Intentaremos solucionarlo, pero en general la versión de Android puede tener algunos problemas. El juego requiere mucha GPU y CPU para PC y mucho menos para móviles... :/
versão atual no Android está funcionando perfeitamente o bug de quando você abre as opções é fácil de resolver, basta apertar em reset nas opções é colocar 1.0 desabilitar as opções feche é abra novamente tudo estará arrumado.
I'm having an issue when i extract the file, there's a Bundle file with a name that's too long and it's causing an error. It's located at LustsCupid_Data>StreamingAssets>aa>StandaloneWindows64>86d1919a3964eb6fe8b52e54a9dc31a7_unitybuiltinshaders_500ca7a4738e942a58a9a38784293109.bundle
Is there a way to shorten the name without messing other things up? Thanks!
I finally found this game, after trying for literal months, I'm glad to have found this game back, it's a pretty good game, the frames were a bit choppy and the story is decent, the flexibility and customizability is great
I tried the beta version, at first glance I like your game, it looks quality, but I have a problem when creating my character, the game crashes and closes. Occurs when selecting more than 5 accessories or customization options. It may be the fault of my PC although I don't find low fps. I have a 4-core i5 and 8GB of RAM.
This should solve it: Try authorizing it in Settings -> Privacy & Security. If that doesn't work, you can try openning a terminal (command + space, type in terminal, hit enter), then run: chmod +x PATH TO Once you've done that, you can try again to do the usual Settings -> Privacy & Security.
By positions, do you mean sex positions or? :) We are doing a round of optimizations that we hope will improve the FPS. Unfortunately, we can't make a lower-quality version because it is not connected with Textures. It is associated with the game having too many systems :)
We have a list of listed ideas where you can put ideas for positions, overall you can put a female into a dominant position of Seme and she can do the action if you want :) Just in the paid version not in the free demo one :)
damn this is cool reminds me a lot of super deep throat what are your plans for the story mod cause I would be cool if you could change each character in the future and not just your self cause I wanna do a romance thing where all the character are girls except for my guy also maybe even custom stories and stuff like that. also I don't know if you already have this because you couldn't customize the guys look in the demo but an option for the guy the have shadows over his eyes like in some hentais also beard option I know beards aren't really a thing in the east but having a beard option will help make the character look more like me
Sí, tenemos versiones de demostración gratuitas para PC, Android, MacOS y Linux, y puedes obtener nuestras versiones completas revisando los enlaces en nuestra página de itchio. (Translated with ChatGPT)
galera é só redefinir as configurações nas opções, é ajustar as escalas para 1.0 é deixar as outras desativados feche é abra novamente arrumado (Android)
Quero parabenizar pela perfeição dessa atualização super bem feita obrigado 🫂
Guys, just reset the settings in the options, adjust the scales to 1.0, leave the others disabled, close and open again, tidy (Android)I want to congratulate you on the perfection of this super well done update, thank you.
Is the translation, and your welcome Pablo, we are glad you like our game!
Bug on Macs: the game's graphics do not work. I'm assuming that it's an apple silicon chip problem because many programs have problems that only seem to appear on the apple silicon chips. Emulators are an example, most emulators that can work on macs with intel chips do not work on silicon chips.
you make your game run smoother like 200% smoother,I completely bet you can because I would love to see this game on at least 30fps on my phone cuz it barrely goes to 5, and i have a pretty decent midrange phone but the engine you are using in the game is simply too laggy
And I don't know how the mad lad made a 2gigabyte game run 60 fps while being fully animated 3d scenes with proper sound and an interactive sex scenes,
I don't know wath kind of black magic he used but you need some of thath godly code
hello, I also cannot launch it on Mac, I tried everything you suggested but I still can't seem to get it to work. Are there any more steps to this that I might be missing to get it to work properly
If your Mac uses apple silicon chips, do not bother. The games graphics do not work on apple silicon chips like the apple M1. This should work on macs that use intel chips.
Eu consigui arrumar o bug é só apertar reset setting depois colocar a escala em 1.0 e desativar as opções na aba opções fecha o jogo é o bug some ao abrir novamente é resolvido consegui finalmente arrumar o bug!!
If i had to guess, it's probably an issue with the Renderer. I don't know what this game uses, (probably OpenGL 3) but it's likely that your Hardware just doesn't support it.
Eventually, could we expect a behavior change feature? For example, altering it so that instead of a pain response for anal, you can modify the character's response animation to the action?
Olá Pablo, obrigado pelo feedback. Vamos procurar um dispositivo semelhante ao que você mencionou e tentar solucionar problemas na nossa versão móvel nele. (Automatic translation)
Hello Devs hope your doing well. This game looks promising and hope it gets more attention too. Also will you add more sex positions and fetish ( like footjob, futa and stuff) later would love to see that.
Hey Rogue thanks for the message! We're adding new sex positions, always thanks to suggestions from community members like yourself! You can hop into our Discord and add suggestions of things you'd like to see in the game , we'd love to hear your thoughts.
I got the latest version but whenever I try to launch it up, it says "Failed to load mono" I'm on a fresh computer, so I've never run any prior version. Is there a way to fix? Thanks! :)
Man i tried the mobile version of this game, using my decent spec phone ofc, and im literally running dat shit on 2 fps and for no reason i couldn't go to the graphic settings, is there any way i could adjust the graphics by any chance???
Hey I have a question about saving characters, so I was trying to update to the latest version but it says that conflicts with existing package. The only way I know to solve that is to delete the previous version and then install and in most games it deletes data alongside it unless you access files and move them.
My question would be, could I have an external save of characters that was done in custom and port it over to the new version without a complete wipe?
← Return to adult hentai game
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Hola una pregunta a mi me pasa que cuando abro el juego una vez y lo cierro cuando lo juego por segunda vez la pantalla se queda como aplastada
¿En Android o PC? Intente restablecer la configuración en el menú de configuración.
Eso me pasa en android y eso que tengo un moto g23
Intentaremos solucionarlo, pero en general la versión de Android puede tener algunos problemas. El juego requiere mucha GPU y CPU para PC y mucho menos para móviles... :/
versão atual no Android está funcionando perfeitamente o bug de quando você abre as opções é fácil de resolver, basta apertar em reset nas opções é colocar 1.0 desabilitar as opções feche é abra novamente tudo estará arrumado.
Thank you! :))
When will the game be available on Steam? Is there even an approximate release date?
We hope around February :) For the Steam next fest :)
Will character customization someday go to this version or its just Patreon exclusive
Just Patreon exclusive, you have a version here on Itchio too that is paid:
I'm having an issue when i extract the file, there's a Bundle file with a name that's too long and it's causing an error. It's located at LustsCupid_Data>StreamingAssets>aa>StandaloneWindows64>86d1919a3964eb6fe8b52e54a9dc31a7_unitybuiltinshaders_500ca7a4738e942a58a9a38784293109.bundle
Is there a way to shorten the name without messing other things up? Thanks!
What platform is that?
I finally found this game, after trying for literal months, I'm glad to have found this game back, it's a pretty good game, the frames were a bit choppy and the story is decent, the flexibility and customizability is great
Thank you <3 Don't lose us again! :D
Same with me lol found today
I tried the beta version, at first glance I like your game, it looks quality, but I have a problem when creating my character, the game crashes and closes. Occurs when selecting more than 5 accessories or customization options. It may be the fault of my PC although I don't find low fps. I have a 4-core i5 and 8GB of RAM.
Interesting, if you can it would be good if you can send us a video of it on our Discord, this is the first time we got this sort of a bug :/
on android it crashes after a few mins of gameplay
What phone do you use?
mac version dose not work
This should solve it: Try authorizing it in Settings -> Privacy & Security. If that doesn't work, you can try openning a terminal (command + space, type in terminal, hit enter), then run: chmod +x PATH TO Once you've done that, you can try again to do the usual Settings -> Privacy & Security.
none of the ideas you gave worked
try this on mac: have the path to the application. type sudo chmod +x PATH TO
Hello is there anyway to be able to swap their position on mobile and would it be possible for a lower quality version because i get like 15 fps
By positions, do you mean sex positions or? :)
We are doing a round of optimizations that we hope will improve the FPS. Unfortunately, we can't make a lower-quality version because it is not connected with Textures. It is associated with the game having too many systems :)
Hi i meant like the female becomes the dominant one or something like that
We have a list of listed ideas where you can put ideas for positions, overall you can put a female into a dominant position of Seme and she can do the action if you want :) Just in the paid version not in the free demo one :)
Hmm, cuckold poses? Where dude fuck girl and other lick pussy.
You can suggest it in our listed ideas on our Discord but I think it was already suggested :)
damn this is cool reminds me a lot of super deep throat what are your plans for the story mod cause I would be cool if you could change each character in the future and not just your self cause I wanna do a romance thing where all the character are girls except for my guy also maybe even custom stories and stuff like that. also I don't know if you already have this because you couldn't customize the guys look in the demo but an option for the guy the have shadows over his eyes like in some hentais also beard option I know beards aren't really a thing in the east but having a beard option will help make the character look more like me
We already have some beards, we want to add male story lines to the story right now, for custom stories we didn't think about it for now :D
Tienen server de discord o algo?
!! Versão 0.8.5 veio perfeita simplesmente perfeita, não tem nenhum bug no Android parabéns!! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥🍷
Thank you Pablo <3
Show post...
Supongo que aún no está traducido o si?
We have some simple translations, you have in options the choice and the first time you start our game :)
Show post...
Enserio? gracias:)
Yea try it in our free demo! :)
This is so fucking good i can feel the effort put in
Thank you! :))))
la version free demo solo es para pc y en android esta la version conmpleta o semi completa o lo demas requiere pantreon
Sí, tenemos versiones de demostración gratuitas para PC, Android, MacOS y Linux, y puedes obtener nuestras versiones completas revisando los enlaces en nuestra página de itchio. (Translated with ChatGPT)
Can you add flaccid state for penises?Or just more customization for it
If our supporters vote for it we will see what we can do, its already suggested in our listed ideas list :D
Can you make the Latex suit to have a neck and to be able to be used in the story mod bcs the feets ,hands and sometimes the arms are clipping.
We will check out the clipping part, for the neck part you can join in our Discord to suggest it in our listed ideas:
galera é só redefinir as configurações nas opções, é ajustar as escalas para 1.0 é deixar as outras desativados feche é abra novamente arrumado (Android)
Quero parabenizar pela perfeição dessa atualização super bem feita obrigado 🫂
Guys, just reset the settings in the options, adjust the scales to 1.0, leave the others disabled, close and open again, tidy (Android)I want to congratulate you on the perfection of this super well done update, thank you.
Is the translation, and your welcome Pablo, we are glad you like our game!
Eu já amo esse jogo foi a primeira vista 🔥✋
Why does the screen get smaller on android?
You can join our discord so we can help you faster, it happens on some phones, try to play around with the scale on Settings option.
Bug on Macs: the game's graphics do not work. I'm assuming that it's an apple silicon chip problem because many programs have problems that only seem to appear on the apple silicon chips. Emulators are an example, most emulators that can work on macs with intel chips do not work on silicon chips.

We are still trying some fixes... but it doesn't look good :(
I goto a challenge for you
you make your game run smoother like 200% smoother,I completely bet you can because I would love to see this game on at least 30fps on my phone cuz it barrely goes to 5, and i have a pretty decent midrange phone but the engine you are using in the game is simply too laggy
We hope for that too, we still have some performance issues on mobile related to the CPU
I seen a game
It has similar idea to yours
It's my hentai fantasies
And I don't know how the mad lad made a 2gigabyte game run 60 fps while being fully animated 3d scenes with proper sound and an interactive sex scenes,
I don't know wath kind of black magic he used but you need some of thath godly code
Because dayum is smooth
We saw it looks really cool :))) Im glad you enjoy it!
Hello, I can't seem to get it to launch on Mac. I am on the latest software and it says no available application can launch it. Any clue?
This should solve it:
Try authorizing it in Settings -> Privacy & Security.
If that doesn't work, you can try openning a terminal (command + space, type in terminal, hit enter), then run:
chmod +x PATH TO
Once you've done that, you can try again to do the usual Settings -> Privacy & Security.
try this on mac: have the path to the application. type
sudo chmod +x PATH TO
hello, I also cannot launch it on Mac, I tried everything you suggested but I still can't seem to get it to work. Are there any more steps to this that I might be missing to get it to work properly
Joins us on our Discord so we can help you faster:
If your Mac uses apple silicon chips, do not bother. The games graphics do not work on apple silicon chips like the apple M1. This should work on macs that use intel chips.
I'm pretty sure it's a unity thing but idk
Edit: added screenshots
We are still trying some fixes... but it doesn't look good :(
A mí me ocurre un problema similar en mi redmi 8A
Sadly I can’t get the Linux demo to work :’(
Sorry to hear that, can you tell us what distro you're using?
Eu consigui arrumar o bug é só apertar reset setting depois colocar a escala em 1.0 e desativar as opções na aba opções fecha o jogo é o bug some ao abrir novamente é resolvido consegui finalmente arrumar o bug!!
Samsung Galáx A34 5g
When is it coming to Steam?
Hi Captain! For now we're aiming for the beginning of 2025 with the content we have planned.
If i had to guess, it's probably an issue with the Renderer. I don't know what this game uses, (probably OpenGL 3) but it's likely that your Hardware just doesn't support it.
Hi Flux, thanks for sharing, we'll look into this.
when can you start to customize your own caracter
Right now customization is available on the alpha version in our patreon!
thanks but when wil it come out on here
check for how long it normally takes for updates to release here versus on patreon to find ou
Can i play it with low graphics? My game keeps being laggy during the gameplay
We don't have different quality settings in our current versions unfortunately
Eventually, could we expect a behavior change feature? For example, altering it so that instead of a pain response for anal, you can modify the character's response animation to the action?
That's a nice idea. We already have different personalities, so it could be linked to that.
Mam problem jak pobieram grę i i ją włączę to rozdzielczość ekranu zmienia się na strasznie nie grywalne. Telefon Realme8
When are you planning on making the character creation available for non-patrions?
"non-patrions" -Drop the "i". It's cleaner
There are no plans to do it at this moment, the system is a little volatile now that we're working on mod support.
Versão 0.7.7 ainda tem o bug de tela pequena quando você fecha o jogo, ele se torna pequeno e bugado no Android A34 5g 128 gb
Olá Pablo, obrigado pelo feedback. Vamos procurar um dispositivo semelhante ao que você mencionou e tentar solucionar problemas na nossa versão móvel nele. (Automatic translation)
Hello Devs hope your doing well. This game looks promising and hope it gets more attention too. Also will you add more sex positions and fetish ( like footjob, futa and stuff) later would love to see that.
Hey Rogue thanks for the message! We're adding new sex positions, always thanks to suggestions from community members like yourself! You can hop into our Discord and add suggestions of things you'd like to see in the game , we'd love to hear your thoughts.
Plz also relase it iutside of steam as steam blocks the game in germany!
Hi Klara! We plan on releasing the full version here on itchio as well once the game is done!
yo, patreon doesn't actually work for me, could you give me the download link somewhere else? would be much appreciated, thanks.
Hi Take! We also have downloads available at Subscribestar, just head to
Hello, I'm experiencing an issue with mono.
I got the latest version but whenever I try to launch it up, it says "Failed to load mono"
I'm on a fresh computer, so I've never run any prior version. Is there a way to fix? Thanks! :)
Hey Coyote, are you on PC or Mac?
PC, Windows 10, 64-bit
This issue sometimes is related to Avast and certain Unity components, we'll look into it regardless.
Estamos abandonados a própria sorte tenta executar o jogo móvel 0.7.1 que vai funcionar.
I can't choose the edition
Pensei que tinha então esqueça kkkkk
Hey Duke! Could you tell us about your hardware? We're trying to narrow down this purple screen issue.
Rev version one but it's not really non performance my friend had the same issue and he had a better phone
I see, thanks for letting us know, we'll look for an answer for this issue
Man i tried the mobile version of this game, using my decent spec phone ofc, and im literally running dat shit on 2 fps and for no reason i couldn't go to the graphic settings, is there any way i could adjust the graphics by any chance???
Fomos abandonados por esse jogo faz dias que não respondem e não resolvem o problema do jogo no Samsung
We currently have a RAM bottleneck affecting some mobile devices, we've come a long way but there's still some struggle in a few models.
Versão 0.7.7 ainda tem o bug de tela pequena quando você fecha o jogo, ele se torna pequeno e bug no Android A34 5g 128 gb
Hey I have a question about saving characters, so I was trying to update to the latest version but it says that conflicts with existing package. The only way I know to solve that is to delete the previous version and then install and in most games it deletes data alongside it unless you access files and move them.
My question would be, could I have an external save of characters that was done in custom and port it over to the new version without a complete wipe?
Isso acontece porque você tem que baixar no mesmo site se baixar em sites diferentes acontece esse erro 😅
Don't know about that but I download from here so I don't know what could've gone wrong